OverTindered and Underwhelmed: – 63% of Tinder users now say they’re bored of the App
More than 9,6 Million daily active users are on Tinder, the dating app which has gained considerable attention amongst people of all types the past couple years. It was in January of 2014 that Tinder started targetting college students. Concentration was key, as the app is most interesting when you’re talking to people in the immediate surrounding area. When these college students went home, they’d brag about the app to family and friends, and the rest is history.
Tinder truly has changed the dating game forever, reporting that at least 60% of their users log on once a day, with some logging on as many as five or six times.The only question remaining is how long it will take for users to grow tired of the app and give it up along with their long forgotten Angry Birds and Temple Run addictions.
A new Canadian survey is showing that Tinder might be losing its appeal
- 63% of total users are showing they’re growing tired of the app
- Only 57% of men are growing tired of the app while 69% of women are
- It’s the younger population (those under 35) which has grown out of Tinder the most
- More than one third (36%) of women are fed up with the far too sexually forward messages they recieve from men
- This comes as no surprise, as 83% of the men using Tinder are only looking for sexual relationships
- Despite all of this, 54% of users said that they’ll probably continue to use Tinder
This suvery (January 2016) was conducted by ca.dating-navigator.net who asked 460 Canadian Tinder users about how they feel about the app. As stated, the majority (63%) says thy’re getting bored of Tinder while a smaller minority (37%) says they’re still enjoying the app.
More findings
After gaining so much attention and staying popular for a considerable amount of time, it seems that the novelty is finally wearing off and Canadians are getting bored of Tinder. While this is true amongst both genders, it seems to be more true with women. This is mostly due to the overly sexual messages they recieve which understandably make them a little uncomfortable. The older generations (those over 35) seem to still be enjoying their time on Tinder. This, however, is probably due to the fact that they’re just discovering Tinder.
Tinder does do a good job finding people of all sorts whatever kind of relationship they may be looking for though. Whether it’s friends, sexual, or long term Tinder has long list of success stories to brag about.
Despite the fact that many are growing tired of the app, it seems they’ll be hereo stay The majority admitted that while Tinder isn’t particularily exciting anymore, they’ll probably still use it instead of search for an app of similar attributes.
For what reasons are men and women growing tired of Tinder?
There are any more women frusrated with Tinder than there are men.In fact, a whopping two thirds (69%) of women say that they’re over the app.
The biggest reason women are frustrated with the app is because of the boring, messages they recieve. They say that if the conversation doesn’t revolve around sex, then most men only put minimal amount of effort into messaging. Men also felt there wasn’t much effort put into messaging, but their main concern was that they either recieve a negative response or no response at all after making first contact. Makes sense – maybe the men need to start the conversation on a bit more of a casual note to recieve a response!
The many different things people search for on Tinder
Afte asking Tinder users what exactly it was they hoped to get from the app, we recieved a broad range of different answers. It didn’t come as a surprise that there were alot more men looking for sexual relationships than there were women. We were surpised, however, upon seeing that many women were on Tinder just to make friends. Looking at the results, it’s obvious that one of Tinder’s best qualities is the ability to find users whatever it may be they’re looking for. There are lots of different types of people on Tinder, and all for different reasons. It’s neither a sex app, dating app, nor a long term relationship app. Instead, it’s all of those in one!
A majority of those over 35 are still enjoying their Tinder experience
A little over two thirds of those who responded to our survery were under 35 years old, showing that the app is most widely used by the younger generation.
Surprisingly, older users were actually less fed up of Tinder than the younger generation. In fact, a majority of the over 35 year old Tinder users said they were happy with the app.
The younger generation is also more concerned with overly sexual and/or boring message than the older generation.
What’s the quality of the app like? How good is the messaging system and how detailed are the profiles?
Amongst males and females, it seemed that “boring or lazy“ messages was their biggest frustration on Tinder. In fact, 88% of users chose to admit that this was an issue.
As a side note, we asked users to rate the quality of messages and profiles overall. Again, it’s obvious users were especially frustrated with the quality of messages they recieved.
What direction will Tinder users go in now?
Despite the negative reviews it seems that Tinder users aren’t quite redy to give up on the app yet. While most seem to be growing tired of the app, it seemed that they were still going to keep using the app. It seems there’s still some appeal to the app which Tinder users just can’t do without, despite the many drawbacks.
But what is this appeal that keep the majority of users coming back for more? Is it addiction, lack of options, or simply that the service is oh-so-popular? Honestly, we had no idea, so we conducted another survey to get to the bottom on the issue and find out why Tinder customers were so loyal. Here’s the response we recieved...
We kept the poll going from the January 4h – January 20, 2016 to get the most accurate results. In the time it was up, it recieved 460 responses from all sorts of Tinder users (51% women, 49% men). A little over two thirds of the respondants under the age of 35 while a little under one third was over.