
You are interested in new trends and exclusive stories in the area of online dating? Below you can find our latest studies conducted by the Dating-Navigator team.

If you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:


Out latest studies in Canada:

OverTindered and Underwhelmed

Our Tinder survey is showing that the Tinder App might be losing its appeal: 63% of total users are showing they’re growing tired of the app.

More information here


Sexercise - Canada's sexiest workout

Sex isn't just fun – it burns calories and keeps you fit. Our research shows that by having sex with passion you can expend just as many calories as a gym workout!

More information here


We are constantly working on new studies in the domain of online/mobile dating. Please send us an e-mail if you want to be the first to be notified of new studies coming up.
